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October 11, 2014

Millennials: Insubordinate & Lazy?


Sure, we may question authority, appear lazy, and lack a consistent paycheck each month. However, I can assure you that we - the Millennial generation - possess next to limitless potential and raw ability, regardless of what previous generations have to say on the matter.

Over Educated and Under Valued

It goes without saying that Millennials are the rookies in the workforce today. At the other end of the spectrum are the Gen X'ers and Baby Boomers, who currently control the workplace and carry the most say in the new hire process. Now I'm in no way pointing fingers here, but why are 16.3% of Millennials unemployed (Generation Opportunity) when we are by far the most educated generation in recorded history?

The following figures don't make a whole lot of sense and are rather disheartening...

Source: http://shirt.woot.com

Average Salary: $44k
63% have a Bachelors Degree

Generation X
Average Salary: $64k
48% have a Bachelors Degree

Baby Boomers
Average Salary: $70k
44% have a Bachelors Degree

We have the Best Intentions

Contrary to popular belief, Millennials are among the most caring and responsible people in society today. 

Closing Thoughts

My generation - the Millennials - defines our existence through our desire to learn, our sense of accountability as global citizens, and our overall gritty personalities. Yet, it seems that we have become stuck and unable to advance in the world. Regardless of your generation affiliation, what do you think Millennials need to do in order to "make it" in the world today?
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