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October 19, 2014

Life Skills from the Frat House


There's plenty of room for debate as to whether or not joining a Greek organization (aka a fraternity or sorority) during your undergraduate career is worth in the long run. However, as a product of the Greek system at a small Liberal Arts college in rural Michigan, I've found that my experiences as a brother of "Triangle -T-Triangle" have paid endless dividends during my time in the "real world" so far.

Pros & Cons of Greek Life: survivingcollege.com/join-greek-life-butler/

Here are a few ways that I have benefited from the time that I spent as part of the "Triangle-T-Triangle" house during my undergraduate career...

1.) Massive Support Network
There was always someone there to support me and offer advice throughout my time as an active. It didn't matter if the issue had to do with academics, athletics, social stuff, or personal dilemmas...I knew that one of my brothers, or possibly even an alum, would always be there to support me and help me find my bearings. The same rings true in the post-grad world, such that the co-owner of the company which currently pays my bills is an alum of my fraternity, albeit a different chapter in a distant region of the country.

2.) Time Management
It goes without saying that the typical Greek experience is not purely academic...at least I sure hope this is the case for my Greek comrades. Since my studies, athletic commitments, social schedule, on-campus job, and sleep schedule all demanded a lot from me, it was vital for me to develop a strong sense of time management. Looking back, incorporating the demands that came with Greek life into the rest of my commitments was a fine way to prepare for the intricate demands that I currently face in the real world today.

3.) Cleaning Skills
Now I'm not a domestic super star by any means whatsoever. However, I do my darn well best to keep my living area semi-presentable. Thanks to the four years that I lived in a house with 45+ other guys, I have a pretty solid idea of how to not only clean up any messes that I make, but also keep things in order so that said messes occur less frequently. In all honesty, my money is on a Greek alumnus (or alumnae!) over an independent in the event of a surprise ** cough ** inspection ** cough ** I mean visit from future in-laws.

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