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September 4, 2014

Summer Camp & the 4-C's (Part 4)


Every meal at camp is not only filling, but each also presents a wealth of opportunities for the campers to refine their understanding and practice of the 4-C’s. Just about every camper is constantly hungry while at camp since they constantly on the move. However, it is necessary for the campers to communicate with each other so that the serving plates make their way to both ends of the table.

On the chance that there is a less than desirable main dish, campers have the choice to visit the salad bar. While this may seem simple to some degree, campers need to think critically to determine when to make their way to the salad bar and they need to get creative if they find limited options. Once everyone has had their fill, the entire table must work together and collaborate in order to clear and clean the table.

Campfire Games

The small amount of time set aside for the campers to get away from the everyday hustle and bustle of the real-world climaxes when each cabin parts way with the main camp and ventures out into the woods for their overnight. I could easily spend an exorbitant amount of time rambling on about the benefits of simply existing as one with the wilderness.

However, I will focus on one part of the campout experience that really struck a chord with me. The seemingly mindless games that the campers play around the campfire, whether before, during, or after dinner, are overflowing with opportunities to refine their understanding of the 4-C’s. 

These games are rather simple, but they are more than capable of capturing and retaining the camper’s attention for hours on end, or until the majority of the group figures out the key to each game.

There is probably a plethora of name variations for the games that I led around the campfire with my campers, but that does not alter the overall value of each game, nor does it influence the skills necessary to achieve victory. First, every campfire game that we played is extremely creative in nature, whereas most of the games today that students occupy themselves with today are bland and to the point. These games genuinely force the campers to think beyond the standard limitations in order to decipher the key to each game. In addition to the high value placed on creativity, these games have few limitations regarding how to play and the only concrete rule is that you cannot verbally convey the trick to your peers once you figure it out. This aspect of the games require the campers to approach the task at hand from multiple vantage points and think critically in order to unravel the often simple code. Once a few of the campers have deciphered the mysteries of the task at hand, it is vital that they work together to help their peers follow in their footsteps, yet also steer clear of verbally conveying the logic of the game to those still working to figure it out.

Closing Thoughts

The presence of the 4-C’s at summer camp may still come as a shock, or maybe even appear as a desperate reach. Regardless of any preconceived notions that you may have, I can assure you that setting aside one week each summer to attend a well-run summer camp is well within reason due to the vast number of opportunities available for campers to hone and refine their mastery of the 4-C’s each day. 

Furthermore, unlike traditional academic settings, such as the likes of an average classroom, the summer camp atmosphere, and its ethos, provides a much more welcoming and comfortable environment for students. Although there is nothing wrong with having a teacher present the benefits of the 4-C’s and discuss different ways to develop these skills in a static setting, I prefer to think that the more hands-on, albeit casual approach under the guidance of a counselor is far more effective and meaningful. 

All in all, I feel that educators who spend their summer months amidst the hustle and bustle of a summer camp are a valuable resource when it comes to developing ways to implement the 4-C’s into today’s curriculum. Lastly, there is a lot to take away from witnessing the simple beauty surrounding young minds as they run rampant in a carefree environment, which only a few have the pleasure of experiencing—this small slice of bliss is a little something called Camp.
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